
What is alerting?

Alerting is one of the tools that Sentia has to notify you as soon as possible in case of an incident. The Ketenbewaking team can setup an alert for you. It is possible to configure several settings. It is important to talk to the Ketenbewaking team to find out which details work for you. The alert can be sent by e-mail or by SMS.

In order to adjust alerting profile, you can click on 'My notifications' in 'Account Settings' menu that is in the header of Ymonitor page.


In 'My Notifications' page, you can select a company from the list on the left side of the page or directly search the name of the company via search bar on top of the list to configure your personal alert configuration.


For each service, you can enable e-mail or SMS notifications for Availability and Performance at warning and poor state. By clicking on the check box next to the Service name, you can enable all notifiications for each transaction of that service. If you would like to receive certain notifications for certain transactions, you should only click the check box next to the alert type of the transaction you wish to receive the alert for.

During a maintenance window monitoring and alerting will continue. Please note that alert notifications are disabled during a maintenance window. You can ask your administrator about any scheduled maintenance windows.

What to do when you receive an alert

From the contents of the alert, you can see what transaction caused the alert and at what time. It is advisable to look up the application in Ymonitor and select the time frame of the alert. From here on, you can start looking at the pattern shown in Ymonitor. It is important to narrow down the possible problems. Narrowing down the possibilities will help a lot in finding the error causing the problem.